Company Culture

Our Core Values

When you work at Enttor, you align with the following:

Keep it simple. Get it done.


At Enttor, we believe in simplicity and execution. This means shipping Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), the simplest functional version of a product. We don't overcomplicate or overthink problems, nor do we tack on unnecessary fancy features that clients won't actually use. Instead of making excuses for why something isn't done, we find a way to get it done. For example, when developing a new feature, we encourage teams to release a basic working version quickly, gather user feedback, and iterate, rather than spending months perfecting every detail before launch.

Work smart. Work hard.


While a popular idiom states 'Work smarter, not harder,' at Enttor, we believe in doing both. We hire intelligent individuals with a strong work ethic because these are the two traits that breed success. We expect our team members to approach challenges creatively, always looking for more efficient methods, while also being willing to put in the necessary hours to achieve our goals. For instance, we migrated our backend from Firebase to MongoDB after realizing it was a more efficient database for our use case, saving both frontend and backend development time. We continuously adopt best software engineering practices and the newest frameworks such as Next.js

Communicate clearly and concisely.


We value team members who can express complex ideas in simple terms and get their point across efficiently. Using more words doesn't necessarily mean you communicated a concept more effectively. We encourage our team to consider the best medium for each message - whether it's a Slack message, a video call, a picture, or a code snippet. This also means we code with clarity. Ensuring code readability means naming conventions are strictly enforced and have semantic meaning.

Solve the right problems.


Our focus is on identifying the most painful and frequent problems our clients face. We constantly talk to clients about their biggest challenges and value their feedback. Once identified, we prioritize these problems aggressively and build solutions to address them. This approach ensures that we're always working on what matters most to our users and clients.

We are one team.


Enttor operates as a unified team, where collective success is valued above individual accomplishments. We win as a team. Your win is my win. We also encourage mentorship and knowledge-sharing to ensure that the team grows together.