
Enttor has 3 product lines to help your business master social media marketing

Post to multiple social media platforms in 1 click
  • Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest, X/Twitter, and more through the use of public APIs

Schedule social media posts in advance
  • During the peak traffic time for each geographical region and platform

  • On a daily/weekly/monthly or customizable cadence

  • Enterprise employees typically do not work on holidays and are therefore not managing their social media. However, social media platforms experience peak traffic during holidays.

Consult Enttor resources on organic social media growth
  • Enttor records analytics from each client’s posts, segmented by industry and social media platform

  • Enttor uses ML models to generate reports about best practices per industry and platform

  • Use Enttor’s database on social media user behavior to understand the type of content that drives engagement

Use LLMs to generate and reply to custom comments
  • Reply to positive comments. E.g. “Glad you find Enttor useful for your company Allison!”

  • Deescalate negative comments. E.g. “Thank you for providing your feedback Bobby. Please contact [email protected] for a full refund.”

  • Use RLHF (Reinforcement Learn from Human Feedback) to train the ML model on how to reply in the company’s tone.

Auto-like comments on multiple social media platforms
  • Using the Facebook API, like hundreds of replies in under 5 seconds, making the customer feel their opinion was acknowledged.

Delete spam comments
  • E.g. Comments about crypto scams on X/Twitter

  • Sometimes handled by the social media platform but not in all cases.

Use LLMs to analyze the sentiment of user comments
  • Use Natural Language Processing to analyze the sentiment of customer comments

  • Comments are an untapped source of 1st party customer feedback

  • Customer feedback is key to analyzing business performance

Retrieve post analytics
  • Follower count, likes, comments, shares

  • Record how much traffic came from each social media platforms

Auto-generate graphs and reports to visualize patterns in user engagement
  • What day of the week is the best time to post?

  • What type of content gets the most engagement?

  • Pull together a monthly report for the marketing team in a single click